Call the office at 1-434-582-2273 to schedule a Virtual Visit appointment. At this time, Collaborative Health is not accepting online scheduling for this type of appointment.

Teresa Ramerth, MD

Dr. Ramerth is APBN board certified in Adult Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry. She has been privileged to work in a vast number of clinical settings from Forensic inpatient to a Christian based private practice with Dr, Curt Thompson author of ‘Soul of Shame’ and ‘Anatomy of the Soul’. She enjoys application of Interpersonal Neurobiology concepts within her psychiatric practice because it offers a more empowering and holistic approach for her patients. She has traveled nationally and internationally working with underserved populations. Most recently she lived in New Zealand working in a clinic devoted to serving the Maori population. She aspires to teach medical students the best of what she has learned throughout her lifetime of work.